Creativity Works, Somerset, run Creative Well-Being Programmes, and commissioned me to run a series of Journaling for Well-Being sessions on Zoom. One rapid learning curve, with digital on-line training input, a whole basket of new found tech with endless cables and plugs, a blank journal and some chunky marker pens, and I was ready. Participants signing up for the course, got a personal creativity pack from me. Hours and hours of fun going through old books, mags, papers, finding imagery and text, stitching together a bundle, then posting out with drawing kit too. Feedback was everyone was delighted to receive the mixed media. Themes through each of the two hour sessions responding to group interests, but explored ideas around identity, self-awareness, location, daily rituals and transformative play! Lockdown I, II & III has meant so many of us are at home. So, one of the the sessions invited Being at Home with Comfort & Ease. CW commissioned another film of the process too, just taking oneself around a room and noticing. Drawing in response to what is there, and/or imagined. Great fun, and bringing us into the moment. What was amazing was everyone’s imagery and stories and totally unique. Much to celebrate. A new series now in 2021, and todays session will explore the theme of A Cabinet of Care.